deviousone on 2004-01-06 at 6:23 p.m.

What�s up jiz babe? I had a dream about you last night, you said that everything was all right, that you weren�t going to leave me and that your parents understood,��it freaked me out because of the shit that went down last night.

I hope your day at school was good, and you better start studying!!! If you need help in algebra tweezy come to meezy ;)

Ok I�m giving this song back to you now, I truly feel this song for you, no joke!!! �Tonight you arrested my mind when you came to my defense with a knife in the shape your moth in the form of your body with the wrath of a god oh you stood by me�

You did stand by me, and surprisingly you still are. I owe you everything!!!

Peace be to the jizzle

I love you

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