deviousone on 03-19-04 at 7:49 pm
Dream Boy (revised)

Dream Boy

I can dream about having a boyfriend. He'll love music as much as I do. He & I will share favorite bands. He'll adore Incubus, and we'll go to their concerts and dance to the music like hippies .He'll sing out loud w/ the PAs in stores, dance around and accidentally knock down merchandise. He wont laugh when I sing to Queen completely off key, then pop in my one of many Nsync albums. He'll be genuine. He'll know what's best for me & will tell me the truth in a way that doesn't hurt my feelings. He'll be insecure about his looks because he won't be the epitome of cuteness. But his style & personality will make him wonderful to me.. He'll be as big a dork as I am. He'll take pictures of me & tell me I'm beautiful in my own way. He'll love writing as much as I do & will write confusing but sweet. He'll become friends w/ my friends & treat them like his own. He'll be smart enough to realize when one of my friends is flirting w/ him & won't give them mixed signals. He'll forgive me for getting a little jealous. He'll let me become friends w/ his friends & make them my own. He won't be upset when I get jealous over him spending time with his GIRL friends, and he'll understand that it's only because I think that he'll leave me for one of them He'll buy me Coldstone ice cream-Cinnamon with heath and caramel mixed in- even when I say I don't want any. He won't judge me when I ramble on about my opinions. He'll express his to me. He won't be afraid to argue with me about something that he believes passionately in, but he'll understand why I don't agree, also. He'll be extremely witty, funny, & sarcastic. We'll make fun of each other within reason. He'll make me laugh until I get pains in my side and I'll make him laugh as much as I make myself laugh His laugh will be just as loud and obnoxious as mine is. He'll take funny pictures w/ me in those little photo booths. He'll care about his education more than he does about me. He won't become dependent on our relationship and he'll stop me when I start to. He'll give me the best hugs ever & won't complain when they seem to last long. He'll wear Cool Water or some other cologne that will drive me absolutely crazy. He'll love it when I wear Chantelle Thomas. He'll make me pins & buttons that say funny things on them. He'll attempt to bake me a cake for my birthday but will end up giving me a store-bought one instead b/c he screwed the recipe up. He'll make me cookies, and he won't say I'm fat if I eat them all in one sitting. He'll understand that I put up walls that he needs to knock down instead of walking away from them. He'll understand when I need space, and he won't ask questions when I ask him just to hold me. He'll know when I just want to be left alone, and he won't make me tell him when something is bothering me He'll love me for me but will still encourage me to live up to my potential. He'll make me get offline/off the phone when I need to do my homework, and he'll offer to help me with it if I don't understand. He'll cuddle with me. We�ll have fantastic kinky sex. He'll know that my mom and I don't get along well, and that my sister is my strength.. He'll buy me flowers just because, and he'll wrestle with me when I want to fight with someone. He won't pressure me into do anything that I don't want to do, and he'll make me think before I make any decisions that could make me change my morals and view points. He'll talk to me when I call him crying, and he won't be mad if it's over something as stupid as me not being able to find ONE shoe when I'm in a hurry. he won't ever lie to me.. He'll sit there with me when I want to read a book, and he'll ask me what a word means just so that I can feel intelligent. He'll love reading just as much as I do, and he won't make fun of the fact that I love Lord of the Rings. He'll rent movies for us to watch & I'll buy the popcorn. He'll sit through the chick flicks that I always cry at, and he'll hold my hand when we go to see the horror films that he loves. He'll always pay when we go out on dates, and he'll always walk me to my door when we're through with them. He'll kiss me on my cheek, hug me tight, whisper that he loves me in my ear, and leave me wearing his cologne scented sweater. He won't care what I wear when we go out, just as long as i'm comfortable. He'll buy me stuffed animals, and he won't laugh when i put the on my bed with all my others. He'll go to the Renaissance Faire with me, and he won't feel "gay" walking around. He'll encourage me to wear the deep crimson lipstick that I wish I could wear, and he won't laugh if I look like a clown. He'll let me put makeup on him at least once, and he'll let me paint his nails. He'll take my dog for walks when I can't, and he'll love my family, despite how dysfunctional they are. He'll brush my hair. He'll tell me that I'm beautiful, and he'll kiss me when I argue with him about it. We'll be able to just sit together without talking, and feel as if it was the most important "conversation" that we've ever had. He'll hold my hand, kiss me softly, and hug my tightly. He'll kiss my hands, and he won't look at other girls. He'll understand why I'm afraid to love and he wont push me into something that I don't want to be in but he'll call me just to say I love you.

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