deviousone on 03-28-04 at 10:02 pm
Biting off of Margaret Galeon

The A to Z about me =)

A - Age : 17 ON APRIL FIRST! WOO!!

B - Band listening to right now : Jack I was listening to him. Now I'm listening to Loveline.

C - Career in future: Professional chef (GOD I HOPE) or a house wife (I can cook, clean, sew, and I love kids...what more could you want?!)

D - Dessert of choice: the chocolate mousse Creme Brulee from Jeanty at Jacks in San Francisco.

E - Easiest person to talk to: Zach and Bec. Jenno too

F - Favorite song at the moment: God I don't even know...10-12 on the Maroon 5 CD. BAH. fuck that. the ENTIRE Maroon 5 CD.

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: worms. You can suck on them longer. HAHHA.

H - Hometown: Campbell, California.

I - Instruments: I used to play the piano. But I gave up. Sadly.

K - Kids: I want a lot. I LOVE KIDS. woooo (whoever I marry better be a kid person, or else I'm going to kill myself)

L - Longest car ride ever: From Reno back home. I drove the whole way-- my ass fell asleep. =( my parents were asleep and I had my permit and it was snowing and it was scary BAH

M - Mom's name: HAH. Francine

N - Number of siblings: 2 older. Jess and Carl.

P - Phobia[s]: failing (even though I do it all the time...) being alone (like...having people I love the most leaving me...that's fucking scary) death (you'd think that someone who used to be suicidal *slightly* wouldn't be afraid of dying...*it was one of the things that stopped me from doing it a lot...*) growing up to be everything my parents say I'm going to be (worthless, a failure, ect.)

Q - Favorite Quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.

R - Reasons to smile: everything. I can't think of anything specific...OH WAIT! I can. =)

S - Song you sang last: "As the dear"

T - Time you wake up: 6�I wake up damn early to get to school damn early to get damn good parking (so you mother fuckers who bitch about having to park under the god damn bridge, when your car gets broken into, REALIZE THAT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THAT PROBLEM IF YOU WOKE UP EARLY ENOUGH TO GET PARKING NEAR SCHOOL!)

U - Unknown fact about me: I love to read (it's an escape to a world where no one really judges me...) HAH I also love to masturbate. =)

V - Vegetable you hate: TOMATOES! even though they're a "fruit", I still fucking hate them!!

W - Worst habit: My bad language and weak vocabulary. if only it were the other way around (that my best habit was my beautiful vocabulary and the fact that I don't cuss too much)

X - X-rays you've had: My head (when I cracked my head open in 4th grade), my teeth (to see about them cavities), umm...that's it.

Y - Yummy food: chocolate ANYTHING. mmmm chocolate...ONLY it CAN'T be American (other than see's and ghiradelli) We butchered the essence of good chocolate. =(

Z - Zodiac sign: Aries! Just like Elaine, Michelle, Jen, Itchy, Annabelle, Carrie, and Rachel! YAY!

questions � Margaret Galeon

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