deviousone on Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004 at 9:23 pm
email to bec...part of it...

"god bec..

im so fucking lonely. i can't even explain it....its like theres a huge hole inside of me and i can't fill it. at all. and i hate feeling this god damn helpless...i thought that maybe getting away for my spring break would be a good thing for me, but it only opened the void more...not even writing makes me forget's like i don't even know myself anymore and it scares the shit out of me because i used to know who i i question every motive i have, almost as if i'm afraid to do what i want to do because it'll be socially unacceptable...or seomthing. christ. i don't even know why i question my motives...

it sucks..."

to clarify..."now i question every motive i have, almost as if i'm afraid to do what i want to do because it'll be socially unacceptable" that statement means this: it seems that every move i make is being watched so i make my decisions on how to live my life by what i think whatever/whoever's watching will like

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