deviousone on Tuesday, May. 11, 2004 at 9:23 pm
two opinions

Mika was lovely enough to show me this, and I deem it worthy to be put in here.

Taken from someone's (her name is Ericka and she's American...) deadjournal:
"I want to cry

My mom just told me about this American Civilian who was beheaded for revenge from the Iraqi prisoners who were abused.

They fuckin filmed it!! They killed this man for revenge of mental and some physical abuse. SOME SOME FUCKING SOME

I cannot believe this shit. This muslum militant group decided to take it apon themselves and kill this innocent man who WILLINGLY went over there to rebuild and get them water.

I feel bad that those iraqi prisoners were humiliated in pictures and made to do things to themselves while people watched but..beheading someone is just fucking wrong.

Peace will not be brought to that country, it won't. We are there for no fucking reason. I hate to say this but those Militant groups need to be killed. There are ALOT, tons of Iraqis who want us there and want us to rebuild their country for them and then there is this little group of people who want to be another Saddam and want us out.


How dare they, how dare they

If your going to comment about how it's revenge and how right these militants are for doing it then don't fucking comment because I don't want to hear it, fuck off."

Mika's reply (Mika is Australian by the way...)
"Okay, first of all, let's take a step back from the "culturally ignorant" perspective Americans are oh so well-known for and take a rational view of this.

You say that beheading a man is wrong, yes? I'm sorry Ericka, but maybe you should actually look up battles in the Vietnam War and World War II and see the definition of 'wrong'. As for killing an innocent man, how about killing 800 innocent men over a trivial invasion? How about the thousands of lives, destroyed by the havoc this invasion has caused? No one stops to think about the toll this has had on the Iraqi civilians, no one. They were not liberated, they were simply witness to a replacement of cruel regimes through bloodshed. And people wonder why Iraqi freedom fighters attack Americans?

America has promised the living conditions of Iraq be upgraded, yet the living conditions of the average citizen is still terrible. And this will not change for quite some time. It is sickening to watch America increase its strangehold on the world while people listen to the parliament's petty excuses.

if I knew who to talk to, I would gladly become a freedom fighter over there, as many people who are PROPERLY educated on the situation would. And as for not wanting to hear the other side of the arguement..when you make a statement as insolent and ignorant as you just did, there are bound to be conflicting perspectives on this. Maybe you should start studying International Studies before making such arrogant assumptions about this topic."

It's always nice to see what others think about this situation...

Thanks Mika.

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