deviousone on Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 at 10:27 pm
The number one rule is: Don't talk about Fight Club Politics

All I ask is that you just accept that this is my own opinon. You can comment as you see fit (I actually encourage it; I'd like to see others opinons on what I wrote...), and if you wish to further discuss, IM me on AIM: xEmilyLovex. But know that I'm not going to...REALLY reply to any comments, and I'm sure as hell not going to continue an argument. OKAY. Let's begin.

Who do you think should win the election? Why? And what's one thing you would change about him if you could?
Honestly, given the choices, I think that Kerry is by far, the better candidate. I think that Bush's error of judgement on the "war on Iraq" proved himself to not be as capible to run the country as most people thought he could. Yes, I understand that in Bush's eyes, Saddamm was a terrorist. However, entering Iraq under the prentenses of "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" and then staying there when there were none, wasn't the greatest of ideas. I think (to put it bluntly...) he got power hungry (as is expected, seeing how he's human) and he took his focus off the true goal of the war on terror, which was capturing those who planned, ect the attacks on September 11th. I like the fact that Kerry is going to re-focus the war. I like the fact that Kerry, all in all, seems more educated on what he wants. Yes, he did support the "war on terror" and the "war on Iraq". What he did not support was going into Iraq, taking over, and just...having it go on as it has been. He's going to try and get allies for us, which is something we'll need if we get attacked again. If you look at America like she were a person, someone who stands strong and alone can only stand for so long. But if you have friends/family/people to back you up, it'll be less likely for you to fall.

I like how he's actually worried about the environment. I like his domestic policies--he's going to try and rebuild the American public school system to what it used to be, while Bush just taxed the shit out of all of it, and cut a lot of it as well. He's going to make it so medication is more readily availible for those who need it but can't afford it. He's going to make it so our social securtiy (which is depleteing) is still intact when we need it.
Yes, I understand that I live in the one of the most liberal area of the US (San Francisco/Bay Area) and that it has kinda...biased me. I also understand that my parents are die hard democrats. but unlike a lot of people, who just say "Bush is a moron. Vote Kerry", I'm acutally educated on the topics and how the two of them are going to try and "fix" it (although, I can't help but agree with the whole...Bush is a moron thing...)

One thing I could fix...hmmm...the actual candidate himself. Although Kerry is better than Bush, I wishhopedream that we could have Clinton again. He leveled things out for us...He made America a great place to live...god I could go on for hours about how amazing he was for our nation. And the fact that people don't bother to look at what he did for us and they just focus on the affair that he had pisses me off. His affair had nothing to do with the way he ran the country; people make mistakes. and if you look in the past, and acutally read into it, the greatest presidents of our nation had affairs/mistresses. John Adamms had an affair with a slave; Roosevelt had an affair with Marilyn Monroe,

Okay. It's 9:30 and I've been up since 5:30am. Time for me to shush.

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