deviousone on 2004-02-07 at 9:07 p.m.

"We wanted to change the world, but all we ended up changing was ourselves." -- Ewan McGreggor, as Curt Wild in Velvet Goldmine

"You don't throw a whole life away because he's a little banged up."-- the trainer in Seabiscut

You can change your whole life around just by listening and taking head to those two quotes.

My newly cleaned car is the start of a new begining for me. A begining where everything gets done, be it done to perfection or not. (god I hope my anal-retentiveness dies down in the near future...or else goal will be so hard.) I know that I can do my shit this semeseter I know it. Here's to a semseter where there is nothing but improvement and success (the words "you're a failure" will not be said, even if I'm saying it to myself.)

Here's to beauty without perfection; to success without the thought of failure.

Here's to me and all the beauty that I imbody.

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